perjantai 24. marraskuuta 2023

Cusco Manu National Park Tour with Manu Wildlife Peru, 21.-23.11.2023


Tiistai-torstai 21–23.11. vietimme unohtumattomat päivät sademetsässä Manu Wildlife Peru -firman matkalla. Seuraavien englanninkielisten tekstien pohjana ovat Manu Wildlife Perun nettisivujen tekstit kolmen päivän matkasta ja olemme niitä täydentäneet omien kokemustemme perusteella. Olimme ainoat turistit kyseisellä matkalla, joten saimme ruhtinaallisen opastuksen ja palvelun. Olimme mykistyneitä sademetsäkokemuksestamme!

The three days´ Manu National Park Tours from Cusco is popularly known as Cusco Manu National Park Tour. It is the shortest tour to Manu National Park in the Peruvian Amazon. The tour offers a unique experience. It is ideal for travellers wanting to get a quick introduction to the Amazon Rainforest before visiting Machu Picchu.

The National Park of Manu is a paradise for nature lovers. The lowland rainforest houses over 850 distinct species of flora and fauna. Manu National Park Peru is home to some 30 native communities. They still maintain their traditions. People here continue talking in Quechua.

Manu covers an area of 1,532,806 hectares. This makes it the largest part of the Amazon Rainforest. Manu has vegetation that sprawls from 150 metres above sea level to 4200 metres.

Travelling with Manu Wildlife Peru offers a better understanding of the national park and life here. Manu Wildlife Peru is a fully locally owned tour operator. All the members of the team are born and raised in the region and have a better familiarization with different species of flora and fauna of the jungle.

Day 1: Cusco – Treehouse Inn

At 04:00 in the morning, we were picked from our hotel (Air bnb, beaitiful House Carmen Bajo 189) in Cusco for the Manu 3 Days Tour. Then we had a long drive (five hours included the stops) and sailing to the heart of the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest.

Our first stop was in Paucartambo*, the renowned folkloric town. We had breakfast at Paucartambo in a little cafe hosted by a man. During trawelling we stopped at some beautiful viewpoints that offer stunning views. During trawelling with car we every now and then stopped to see birds, wchich the guide found. The guide had his big binocular with him and so he could tell us what point to look at in order to see the birds. Once the guide said: ”Now we will have a walk, nature and hopefully birds for 20 minutes”. We saw a yellow woodbeccer (guide said that it is a quite uncommon bird). When we came to the minibus, we were surprised: The lunch waited us by the roadside in a little parkingplace with the noicing river stream.

After five hour jour we drived to the boat pier where we boarded the traditional motorized boat for a two and a half hours journey. Also during that sailing we stopped many times for birds – it was great that also we managed to find some birds and the sailor stopped. Then we changed to a smaller boat which is known as “PekePeke”. It gets its name after the sound of its motor. Aboard PekePeke, we sailed for 45 minutes on the Madre de Dios River to our destination, Treehouse Inn Lodge.

When reached Treehouse Inn Lodge in Manu National Park the guide showed us the dining room and sorroundings. We were guided to our lodge, a three house. It is three meters above the ground and was supported with two living trees. We were very surprised!

It came dark after five o’clock and so we had the first 2 hours´ tour in the rain forest. It was very awesome and excited! On this tour, we spotted different birds including the Peruvian National Bird, Andean Cock of the Rock and heard beautiful singing voices of the birds. 

Day 2: Treehouse Inn Lodges

As it started to rain in the morning we did not go to see the Parrot Clay Lick as the birds do not come to the slipery Clay Lick. However, we managed to see two coloured parrots near our dining room in the camp.

Clay here is known to contain distinct minerals. This allows parrots to flush out toxins from their body. Birds in the Amazon Rainforest are prone to toxic food as there are plenty of tiny insects here.

After breakfast at seven o’clock we hiked through the amazing jungle three hours´ tour. We saw different monkeys, birds, butterflies, insects and plants. In addition we met warm spots of some distinct animals like Tapirs and Pumas – we were astonished!

We returned to the Treehouse INN for enourmous lunch (five different meals and so delicious).

In the afternoon the guide Anibul invited us down from our tree house lodge. We saw a snake around Anibuls neck. We thought that it is a joke and a fake snake. No, it was a real snake but not poisonous. Finally all of us had the courage to do the same – Ulla and Harri, too. We were very proud of us 😊.

After dinner at 8 pm, we went to a night safari with flashlights. We enjoyed a lot from stunning voices of the birds, grasshoppers, monkeys and insects.  We met tarantulas, other poisonous spiders and so called bullet ants. The bullet ant has got its name, as man can feel its bite as strong as the bullet shot in the skin.

We returned to the Treehouse very satisfied.

Day 3: Treehouse Inn – Cusco

After relishing a Amazonian breakfast, we checked out from Treehouse INN. We sailed back to the boat pier where we met our driver for the drive back to Cusco. We reached Cusco at about 4 PM.

We were very happy to get so well prepaired guides and cook chef and other personnel of Manu Wildlife Peru. Our main guide Anibul Barreto was a real master of the jungle knowing the animals and insects and plants both by sight and their names in Englihsh and Latin. He had studied botany and zoology in the university and his specialty was snakes and spiders. Humorous and very talkative Anibul was born in Columbia and has spent ten years in Peru when getting married with Peruvian girl.

Annibul was teaching young man, Felix Quispe, as an assistant in the jungle tours. He was very helpful and nice guy, too. Our cook Paulino was a super guy in the kitchen of the camp. He is working in the restaurant Sabor Andino in Cusco as a cook. He created so beautiful and tasteful menus during our tour in the jungle and during our drive to Cusco Manu National Park and back. Our driver Efrain was a very reliable and skilful driver in the serpentive roads of the mountains. Our skilful boatman Saul (one owner of the firm) knew the best routes of the river Alto Madre (200 meters wide) and so the boat trips were also very enjoyable in spite of the streaming river. We give our warmest thanks to them for our ”once in a life time jungle trip”.


* Paucartambo on noin 500 asukkaan kylä (Perussa kyllä sitäkin opas kutsui kaupungiksi). Se on Peruun muuttaneiden espanjalaisten ensimmäisiä asuinpaikkoja ja edelleen erittäin katolinen kaupunki. Oppaamme käytti siitä myös nimitystä espanjalaisten katolilaisten keskus. Jo menomatkalla ja jälleen jollakin ruokailukerralla opas kertoi, että Paucartambossa järjestetään heinäkuussa kaksiviikkoiset juhlat. Niiden perustana on katolilaisuus – melko kauhuissaan opas kertoi, että juhlat ovat ehkä kaikkea muuta kuin hengelliset (viina virtaa jne.) ja kylään, jossa ei juurikaan ole majapaikkoja saapuu joka vuosi reilusti yli 2000 vierasta.

Kuvasatoa (kuvat alhaalta ylöspäin aikajärjestyksessä):

Virginian Air bnb, Carmen Bajo 189, Cusco

                                         Havaisimme polulla Tapiirin jälkiä!

Tappajapuu imaisee sisäänsä toisen elävän puun vuosikymmenien kuluessa!

                                              Tässä paikallisten kutsuma Viagrapalmu :)

Tapasimme sademetsässä Perun suurimman perhosen, Blue Morpho Butterflyn. Se lenteli niin nopeasti, että kuvaan jäi vain pieni sininen piste!

Tämän linnun, Andean Cock-of-the-rock , ääntä kuulimme, mutta emme nähneet itse lintua.


Tarantella vaanimassa pesässään saalista!

Woodpecker -tikka

Termiittien pesä.


PeriPerisama canoma lamasi - perhonen

Puuman jäljet sademetsän polulla!

Snowy Egret

Myrkyllinen hämähäkki

Sieniä ...

Paikallista väkeä tulossa kyytiin!

Etualalla Saul Manu Wildlife Peru -yrityksen yksi omistajista.

Pelko voitettu!

Tämä kuva on netistä - mutta kyseessä papukaijojen saven syönti. Emme päässeet katsomaan, koska satoi ja savi oli muuttunut liian liukkaaksi linnuille.


Bussimatkan varrelta Manun kansallispuiston ja Cuscon välillä:           

Paikallinen urheilukenttä


1 kommentti:

  1. Tervehdys Tampereelta Ulla&Harri! Jihuu te sankarimatkailijat. Hienoa elämää! Partiokaupan hyönteisverkkonne ovat sängyissä ilmeisen tarpeellisia.
    Nyt pääsimme meillä täällä sademetsätunnelmiin paikallisessa -17 aamupakkasessa!

    Onkohan kaikilla muilla seuraajilla ollut ongelmia kommentoinnissa? (Mä olin jo muinaisissa Kenian matkojen blogeissa mukana.) Kirjautuminenn ihan aluksi onnistui kyllä sujuvasti Turvllista matkantekoa! 🤗🙏
    Mukana näin .E&R


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